"A Match Made in Heaven." Is what Horoscope Matching is all about. 

Marriage itself is arranged through a beneficial alloted time or an ideal partner, based on the couples birth chart. This is also known as Arranged Marriage.

Arranged Marriage now a days has become a negative term although what it strives to do is the exact opposite at least it used to way back when. But it's still practiced to this day fervently. Ever heard of a little show called The Bachelor? Yeah. I rest my case. People are constantly setting up their friends on dates, "arranging" couples, they're the new age cupids instead of your parents. And that's absolutely fine, even better. But what you have to understand here is the same practice is being performed. The ritual of arranged blind dates/marriages is alive and well today. 

Now, that we've established that. We can move on, people in India hook up through their horoscopes - only if they're a good match do they pursue marriage unless their already in a relationship in which case all bets are off. 

Your horoscope can determine a good match based on certain points, constellations, health, wealth etc. I'm not going to get into details but there's a maximum score of 36 and if you get below 18 marriage is a no no. 
Say, you and your partner match in the horoscope but you guys are actually worlds apart and hate each other. It happens. No way can that alone guarantee a happy marriage. Just because you guys match enough to have good prodigy doesn't mean you're necessarily gonna like the guy. 

Now I want to make this clear. There's no such thing as a perfect marriage or a perfect match. Humans are flawed. People have differences and they fight. It's the law of nature. Remember there could be quite a few people who match your horoscope. Doesn't mean their all right for you. That's where you come in and see how truly compatible you are.

So what's love got to do with it? It has everything to do it! Love transcends everything. If you love your partner, it doesn't matter what the charts say. Although if you're a Manglik (Mars is placed in certain houses, 1st- your mind, 7th- your partner, 4th-your home) that can be dangerous. However, that's a whole other pickle for another day.

If you love someone you can work out the kinks, tolerate their flaws, and accept them for who they are and whatever baggage they bring. Though it has to go both ways.

Back to my point, the chart reflects the strengths, and weaknesses and potentials of a person. In the same way, matching horoscopes shows the potential of the relationship, it's not absolute. Nothing is. But this minor detail doesn't make it any less accurate.

Taking all this into account, I still think it's cool to know who compatible one is with their partner. If you want to know how well you and your significant other work well together, have the same goals, if you'll have healthy children, then this is definitely for you. Especially today, where forget about divorces people aren't even getting married. It's good to know if you're going to last, and if you're going to have a mutually beneficial and fruitful relationship, and if the person you're with is even your soulmate.

So if you're interested in finding out how well your boyfriend or girlfriend complements you, get your horoscopes matched. And whatever the score, it's not the final world, it's only the beginning.

By the way, I happen to know a great place where you can get your horoscopes matched! Oracle31 :D


Admin excellent information sharing in this post, everybody realize online horoscope matching, I've a member.

In this time every one believe in horoscope whether he or she does belong any where and I think without horoscope matching we can't go further because they are keep watching to us in every day, every moment.horoscope matching

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